
A rollup plugin to minify javascript with Terser

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A rollup plugin to minify javascript


Install rollup and terser first.

npm install rollup --save-dev
npm install terser --save-dev


npm install @lopatnov/rollup-plugin-uglify --save-dev

Import package to the project

ESM import

import uglify from "@lopatnov/rollup-plugin-uglify";

CJS require

var uglify = require("@lopatnov/rollup-plugin-uglify");

How to use plugin

File rollup.config.ts

export default {
  plugins: [

with options

export default {
  plugins: [
      //options: IUglifyOptions


uglify function has optional argument options: IUglifyOptions.

IUglifyOptions is an interface, that extends MinifyOptions of terser package.

IUglifyOptions contains:

A valid minimatch pattern, or array of patterns to include / exclude files. If include is omitted or has zero length, filter will return true by default. Otherwise, an ID must match one or more of the minimatch patterns, and must not match any of the exclude patterns.


Issue 13: cannot find module @rollup/pluginutils

Versions migration: 2.1.2 -> 2.1.4

rollup-pluginutils has moved and is now available at @rollup/pluginutils. The best way is to update dependency to @rollup/pluginutils as in documentation or use version 2.1.2 that don’t have conflict with rollup-pluginutils.

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Contact me in LinkedIn, I will consider profitable business offers. I am Computer Software Engineer. I develop software of various complexity for the web. I would be glad to receive job offers.

License Apache-2.0

Copyright 2019-2023 Oleksandr Lopatnov